Table of Contents

Version 2.7.0 (V2.7.0.0)



New Features

1. Device XPass D2 Revision, XPass D2 Keypad Revision are supported.

2. Lift lock/unlock zone which works based on schedules regardless of access group is supported.

3. User phrase feature that you can request the user phrase(private message) to the server is supported.

4. Global APB By Door Open is supported.
Global APB By Door Open has two steps; i) User authentication ii) Actual access based on the door sensor
You can figure out the user who actually doesn't go in even after successful authentication and the door unlock using this feature.

Modified Features

1. Fixed the issue that the device returns BS_SDK_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_DEVICE after successful connection due to corrupted communication key exchange. (Only some latest FW)

2. Fixed the issue that SDK can't process received packets from the device with IPv6 connection mode.

3. Fixed the issue with the error BS2_SDK_ERROR_INVALID_PACKET when received log from the device due to the image log larger than 16KB.