Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all This is an old revision of the document! System Configuration, BioStar 2, Custom User Field, User How to Create Custom User Fields Custom user fields can be used when you need additional fields for user information other than the basic user information provided. This feature is available in BioStar 2 versions 2.2.1 and above. You cannot search users via custom user field values on the search bar. You can import users with custom fields with a .csv file. 1. Click on Setting > SERVER. 2. In the User/Device Management tab, click + Add on the Custom User Field. There are 3 types of custom user fields you can create: Text Input Box : This field allows up to 32 characters. Number Input Box : This field allows up to 10 digits. Combo Box : You can create up to 20 options for this dropdown box. Separate the combo box items with a semicolon(;). 3. When you’re done adding the custom fields, click Apply on the bottom of the page. 4. If you go back to the USER menu, you will see the additional fields in all existing users and also when you add a new user.