Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all Table of Contents Elevator Configuration Multi-output module, OM-120 Features Elevator connection configuration Physical Configuration and Settings Controlling 4 elevators in a 36 floor building Floor Privilege Setting Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! OM-120 Elevator Configuration BioStar 2.4.0 has an added feature to authorize and control an integrated elevator to stop at different floors. This document will explain the physical integration method and components required for elevator configuration. Multi-output module, OM-120 The OM-120 is a 12-relay output control module. When used together with BioStar 2, it is able to control the access to select floors from the elevator. For one controller maximum of 16 OM-120 devices can be connected using a RS-485 daisy chain model, and it also supports AUX input. Furthermore, it can be used together with other features such as Anti-Passback zones, and Fire Zones. Features Each module supports 12 relays. Each elevator configuration in BioStar 2 can control up to 192 floors (12 relay x 16 OM-120) When an anti-passback alarm is triggered, it can be configured to send out a particular signal. Selected elevator groups can be added and managed in Fire Alarm zones. It is internally equipped with terminating resisters to allow for RS-485 connections. Elevator connection configuration Physical Configuration and Settings When configuring an elevator with BioStar 2, the three mandatory elements are controller, reader, module. Controller is used to check and match the credentials what are scanned on the reader with the access groups, and also to control the relay of the slave device. It can only select one master device. Reader is installed inside the elevator and is used to scan the credentials. It can select multiple devices amongst Master device, slave device and/or Wiegand device. Module is used to send a control signal to the buttons on the elevator as a result of the authentication result on the controller. It can only be set with the OM-120, and multiple modules can be selected. [BioStar 2 Elevator setting screen] The physical connections and the features of each device in the elevator control configuration is as below. Note To configure the elevator control, the AC Advanced License must be activated. BioEntry Plus, BioLiteNet, and BioEntry W does not support OM-120 Up to 4 readers can be selected under [Reader] of per floor configuration. Controlling 4 elevators in a 36 floor building With BioStar 2.4.0 one controller is needed per elevator, therefore for four elevators, 4 controllers are required. The physical configuration can be connected as per the image below. Floor Privilege Setting After the physical connection is completed, from BioStar 2 the privilages to each floor and the setting of access groups must be completed for the elevator buttons to be correctly activated. Click ADD FLOOR LEVEL on the Access Control menu. Select the registered elevator and then select the name of each floor that you wish to configure access privileges. This action is to configure the floor levels that each elevator will be operating. Maximum of 128 Floor Levels can be created in BioStar 2. The elevator setting below is an example of Elevator 1 which operates up to the 6th floor. [Floor level setting screen] After the Floor Level is correctly configured, click ADD ACCESS GROUP on the ACCESS CONTROL menu and select the users that are to be given floor levels. If configured like the image above, the buttons to access the 1st to 6th floor will be initiated for User 000, User 001 and User 002 when using Elevator 1.