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How to Configure Alerts

The alert feature is used to notify the BioStar administrator when specific device/door/zone/authentication event occurs.

The Alert history can be accessed through the Alert History menu or the alert count on the bottom right corner of the BioStar web client.

There are 3 ways the alert function will alert the event to the administrator.
1. The specified event will be colored red (color is not customizable) on the real-time log.

2. A popup message will appear which the administrator can acknowledge or ignore.

[message is customizable :follow “Configuring the Popup Message” at the bottom of this article]

3. A sound will be played at the occurrence of the event.

The sound feature is only available BioStar 2 version 2.3 or above

==== Configuring the Real-time Log Event Message ====

1. Click on Setting > ALERT.

2. Click on the checkbox for the events you want alerts for and click Apply.

3. Now the checked event will appear red on the Real-time log when the event occurs.

==== Configuring the Popup Message ====

1. Click Settings > ALERT to enter the Alert menu.
2. Click on the document icon.

3. Enter your message and click Apply to save the settings.

==== Configuring the Sound Alert ====

1. Click Settings > PREFERENCE.
2. Click + Add button in the Sound tab.

3. Browse your PC and add a sound file.

4. Click Add and then click Apply.
5. Click Settings > ALERT.
6. Click on the document icon of a desired event.
7. On the Sound Name drop box select the sound you uploaded on the preference menu.
8. Select your play option.

Once will run the sound file once
loop until acknowledge will run the sound until you click acknowledge on the popup menu that appears when the event occurs.