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How to use Suprema Device Manager App

What is Suprema Device Manager App?
-XPass D2 configuration app via BLE communication.

Device manager app can be used with XPass D2 FW 1.1.0 or higher. Manager app supports all the XPass D2 models, MDB, GDB, and GKDB.

What settings Suprema Device Manager App supports?
-It supports all the required XPass D2 settings even including FW upgrade.

How can it be used?

1. Download Suprema device manager app and start the app.

2. Tap 'Template Management' to create a template.

3. Change the necessary settings with the device admin password and save the template.

 The device admin password is for access permission control. Once the admin password is set. Password not matched apps cannot 
 access to the device until the device factory reset is made. 

4. Choose the template and tap 'start' button and approach the app near to the device.

5. Once it succeeds to finish the configuration settings, the app shows the success message.

Additional Functionality

1. Tap 'Device Discovery'

2. Choose the device to connect, or near to the device.

3. Enter the password to access.