

New Features and Improvements

1. Support to the Change Deivce ID.
2. Enhancement in the security of the device.

  • Restrict unencrypted connections.
  • Support for Secure Tamper on slave devices.
  • Enhancement in the security of encryption keys.
  • Encrypt user information.
  • Restrict access through communications such as TCP/IP, RS-232, and USB.

3. Support for connecting new devices.

  • XPass D2 (Rev 2)

4. Improved Anti-passback zone to operate based on the door status.
5. Support to the BioStar 2 Mobile Access.
6. Support to the Mobile Access V1.1.
7. Support to the scheduled unlock function for each floor when controlling elevator.

Bug Fixes

1. Problem that the password set in the Device Manager app is not initialized even if the factory default is performed.
2. The device does not recognize LF (Low Frequency) cards well.
3. OSDP Communication does not work normally if the value sent to the slave device is greater than the defined value.
4. The Secure Tamper occurs again if a user reboots the device after setting the smart card layout while the Secure Tamper has already occurred.
5. The event log of the device is not sent in the order in which it occurred.