This is an old revision of the document!



New Features

  • BioStation 3 connection support (Device name: BS3-DB, BS3-APWB)
  • Add User Information Partial Renewal Function.
  • Add User statistics acquisition Function.
  • Add file log function for debugging that allows file segmentation and storage.

1. BioStation 3 Added connection support, related extended VoIP settings, and RTSP settings.

2. Added function to partially update user information.

3. Added functionality to get user statistics held by the device.

4. Added file log function for debugging that allows file segmentation to be saved.

Modification function

1. When outputting log files for debugging, the time information displayed has been modified to display up to milliseconds.

2. The face setting method changes.
In the face detection stage, face width, which represents the width of the face image, search range, which represents the search range, are entered in pixels

This was a rather difficult input unit for the user to set up.

The detection distance, wide search provided afterward is changed to a more sensible setting unit by entering the distance to the detected face in cm.
As of the time SDK V2.8.3 is distributed, only 'BioStation 3' can be distance-based, and then extended to 'FaceStation F2' is planned.

3. Added information such as user update support, simulated unlock support, RTSP support, Visual QR support, and extension number registered in Extended VoIP.

4. In the user structure, an infoMask has been added to indicate what credential information the user has.
Also, by modifying the mask value of the infoMask and lowering it to the device, it is possible to change/delete the information that the user has partially.

5. The problem of not applying conditions such as start index and request quantity when obtaining the log of USB has been corrected.
We also fixed an issue that occurs when the acquired log time is abnormally large.

6. When using the filtered log of USB, the problem of date search not being successful has been corrected.

7. A simple bug in the C# example has been fixed.

8. Improved usability of SSL at low speed network environments.

9. Fixed the bug that crashed if the access group existed during a USB import.

10. Edited to stabilize code internally in SDK.