This is an old revision of the document!

Slave Control API

API that connects the master and slave device by using the RS-485 network. The v2 devices will now work as a dummy reader when set as a slave device. It will not store any kind of information for user and all will be stored inside the master device. The slave device will send the information scanned, and the matching and access rule check will be done from the master device. The slave device will only receive the result.

When the SDK is initialized, there are no information about the slave devices. Therefore, a slave device must be searched or added before controlling.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint16_t deviceType;
    uint8_t enableOSDP;
    uint8_t connected;
} BS2Rs485SlaveDevice;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. deviceType
Device type.

3. enableOSDP
Decides whether to use a slave device.

4. connected
Displays whether a slave device is connected to the master device.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint16_t deviceType;
    uint8_t enableOSDP;
    uint8_t connected;
    uint8_t channelInfo;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
} BS2Rs485SlaveDeviceEX;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. deviceType
Device type.

3. enableOSDP
Decides whether to use a slave device.

4. connected
Displays whether a slave device is connected to the master device.

5. channelInfo
Channel value of slave device.

6. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	deviceID;		///< 4 bytes
	BS2_DEVICE_TYPE	deviceType;		///< 2 bytes
	BS2_BOOL		enableOSDP;		///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		connected;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			channelInfo;	///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			osdpID;			///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		supremaSearch;	///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		activate;		///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		useSecure;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			vendorCode[3];	///< 3 bytes
	BS2_VERSION		fwVersion;		///< 4 bytes
	uint8_t			modelNumber;	///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			modelVersion;	///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		readInfo;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			reserved[25];	///< 25 byte (packing)
} BS2OsdpStandardDevice;			///< 48 bytes

1. deviceID
OSDP Device Identifier.

2. deviceType
Device type. Usually gets BS2_DEVICE_TYPE_3RD_OSDP_DEVICE.

3. enableOSDP
Always set to true.

4. connected
If true, an OSDP device is currently connected.

5. channelInfo
Connected channel information. CoreStation40 has 5 channels from 0 to 4, it has channel values within this range.

6. osdpID
OSDP Identifier.

7. supremaSearch
Information that is distinct from existing RS485 that does not support OSDP, and always set to false.

8. activate
Regardless of the connection status of the device, you can set whether the connected device is operating, which indicates the activation status of the operation.

9. useSecure
Indicates whether encrypted communication is enabled.
If a separate key is not set, encryption communication is used as the default key, and can be changed with BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey.

10. vendorCode
Unique value of Vendor.

11. fwVersion
FW version information of OSDP device.

12. modelNumber
Model number of the OSDP device.

13. modelVersion
Model version of the OSDP device.

14. readInfo
Indicates whether OSDP device information such as vendorCode, fwVersion, or model has. If it has the OSDP device information, it means that the device has ever been connected to the master device.

15. reserved
Reserved Space.


typedef struct {
	uint8_t					channelIndex;               ///< 1 byte
	BS2_OSDP_CHANNEL_TYPE	channelType;                ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					maxOsdpDevice;              ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					numOsdpAvailibleDevice;     ///< 1 byte
	BS2_DEVICE_ID			deviceIDs[8];               ///< 4 x 8 = 32 bytes
} BS2OsdpStandardChannelInfo;							///< 36 bytes
typedef struct {
    uint8_t                 numOfChannel;           	///< 1 byte
    uint8_t                 reserved[3];            	///< 3 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardChannelInfo channels[BS2_RS485_MAX_CHANNELS_EX]; ///< 36 x 8 = 288 bytes
	uint8_t                 reserved1[32];          	///< 32 bytes
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAvailable;    					///< 288 bytes + 36

1. channelIndex
The communication channel number to which the OSDP device is connected.

2. channelType
Indicates the type to which the device communicating RS485 is connected.
Based on CoreStation40, there are 5 assignable channels from 0 to 4, and Suprema devices and OSDP devices cannot be mixed and operated within each channel.
If no device is connected to a particular channel, it has a 0 indicating that it can be connected even if it is a Suprema device or an OSDP device.
If a Suprema device is connected to a specific channel, only Suprema devices are allowed to connect to that channel, and channelType has a value of 1. The OSDP device is ignored even if it is connected.
If an OSDP device is connected to a specific channel, only OSDP devices are allowed to connect to that channel, and channelType has a value of 2. The Suprema device is ignored even if it is connected.
Each channel of CoreStation40 can be mixed and operated as Suprema device channel and OSDP device channel.
The maximum number of OSDP devices allowed to connect to a channel is limited to 2, and if the channel is already maxed out, the channelType will be 3, indicating that no more connections are allowed.

Value Description
0 Normal
1 Suprema Device
2 OSDP Device
3 OSDP Device FULL

3. maxOsdpDevice
Indicates the maximum number of devices that can be connected in that channel.
If the channelType is 1, it will get 32, if 2 or 3, it will get 2.

4. numOsdpAvailibleDevice
Indicates the number of devices currently available for connection in that channel.

5. deviceIDs
The list of Device Identifier that is connected or can be connected in that channel.

6. numOfChannel
Number of channel. CoreStation40 has a total of 5 channels.

7. reserved
Reserved Space.

8. channels
OSDP device information of each channel.
You can have up to 8 channel information, but since CoreStation40 has 5 channels, only numbers 0 to 4 are valid.

9. reserved1
Reserved Space.


typedef struct {
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	deviceID;		///< 4 bytes
	BS2_DEVICE_TYPE	deviceType;		///< 2 bytes
	BS2_BOOL		enableOSDP;		///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		connected;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			channelInfo;	///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			osdpID;			///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		supremaSearch;	///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		activate;		///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		useSecure;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			vendorCode[3];	///< 3 bytes
	BS2_VERSION		fwVersion;		///< 4 bytes
	uint8_t			modelNumber;	///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			modelVersion;	///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL		readInfo;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			reserved[5];	///< 5 bytes (packing)
} BS2OsdpStandardNotify;			///< 48 bytes

1. deviceID
OSDP Device Identifier.

2. deviceType
Device type. Usually gets BS2_DEVICE_TYPE_3RD_OSDP_DEVICE.

3. enableOSDP
Always set to true.

4. connected
If true, an OSDP device is currently connected.

5. channelInfo
Connected channel information. CoreStation40 has 5 channels from 0 to 4, it has channel values within this range.

6. osdpID
OSDP Identifier.

7. supremaSearch
Information that is distinct from existing RS485 that does not support OSDP, and always set to false.

8. activate
Regardless of the connection status of the device, you can set whether the connected device is operating, which indicates the activation status of the operation.

9. useSecure
Indicates whether encrypted communication is enabled.
If a separate key is not set, encryption communication is used as the default key, and can be changed with BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey.

10. vendorCode
Unique value of Vendor.

11. fwVersion
FW version information of OSDP device.

12. modelNumber
Model number of the OSDP device.

13. modelVersion
Model version of the OSDP device.

14. readInfo
Indicates whether OSDP device information such as vendorCode, fwVersion, or model has. If it has the OSDP device information, it means that the device has ever been connected to the master device.

15. reserved
Reserved Space.


typedef struct {
	uint8_t 		osdpID;                         ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			activate;                       ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			useSecureSession;               ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			deviceType;                     ///< 1 byte
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	deviceID;                       ///< 4 bytes
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAdd;    						///< 8 bytes

1. osdpID
OSDP Identifier. The identifier must be set to a random value between 0 and 126 by the user.
This value does not allow duplication within the same channel and may raise an error if duplicated or out-of-range values are set.
If the channels are different within the master device, you can add devices by setting them to the same identifier.

2. activate
Specifies the device activation state.
Regardless of the connection state of the device, if set to false, the operation of the device is ignored even if it is successfully connected.

3. useSecureSession
Specifies whether to encrypt communication.
If a separate key is not set, encryption communication is used as the default key, and can be changed with BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey.

4. deviceType
Device type. Should be set to BS2_DEVICE_TYPE_3RD_OSDP_DEVICE.

5. deviceID
Device Identifier. When set to 0, the master device automatically allocates.


typedef struct {
	uint8_t 		osdpID;                         ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			activate;                       ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			useSecureSession;               ///< 1 byte
	uint8_t			deviceType;                     ///< 1 byte
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	deviceID;                       ///< 4 bytes
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate;    					///< 8 bytes

1. osdpID
OSDP Identifier. The identifier must be set to a random value between 0 and 126 by the user.
This value does not allow duplication within the same channel and may raise an error if duplicated or out-of-range values are set.
If the channels are different within the master device, you can add devices by setting them to the same identifier.

2. activate
Specifies the device activation state.
Regardless of the connection state of the device, if set to false, the operation of the device is ignored even if it is successfully connected.

3. useSecureSession
Specifies whether to encrypt communication.
If a separate key is not set, encryption communication is used as the default key, and can be changed with BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey.

4. deviceType
Device type. Should be set to BS2_DEVICE_TYPE_3RD_OSDP_DEVICE.

5. deviceID
Device Identifier.


typedef struct {
	uint8_t					compliance;
	uint8_t					count;
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem;
typedef struct {
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem input;			///< 2 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem	output;			///< 2 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem	led;			///< 2 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem	audio;			///< 2 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem	textOutput;		///< 2 bytes
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapabilityItem	reader;			///< 2 bytes
	uint16_t				recvBufferSize;				///< 2 bytes
	uint16_t				largeMsgSize;				///< 2 bytes
	uint8_t					osdpVersion;				///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					cardFormat;					///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					timeKeeping;				///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					canCommSecure;				///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL				crcSupport;					///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL				smartCardSupport;			///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL				biometricSupport;			///< 1 byte
	BS2_BOOL				securePinEntrySupport;		///< 1 byte
	uint8_t					reserved[4];				///< 4 bytes
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapability;						///< 28 bytes

1. compliance
Indicates the compliance level according to the function of the PD.
Functions include input, output, led, audio, textOutput, etc. The compliance level is different for each function, so refer to the relevant OSDP document.

2. count
It refers to the number of objects according to the function of the PD, and the meaning of the number is different for each function, so refer to the relevant OSDP document.

3. input
Define the input (monitoring) function.

4. output
Define the output (monitoring) function.

5. led
Define the LED function.

6. audio
Define the Buzzer function.

7. textOutput
Define the text output function.

8. reader
Indicates the number of supported devices, only count information has meaning.

9. recvBufferSize
Indicates the short message size the PD can receive.

10. largeMsgSize
Indicates the maximum size of a long message that the PD can process.

11. osdpVersion
OSDP version.

12. cardFormat
Defines the card data format function and gets a value of 01, 02, or 03. Please refer to the compliance level related to the card data format of the OSDP document.

13. timeKeeping
Indicates the date and time type of the PD and what to keep it for. In OSDP 2.2, this feature is not used.

14. canCommSecure
Indicates whether secure communication is supported.

15. crcSupport
Indicates whether checksums are supported.

16. smartCardSupport
Indicates whether smart cards are supported.

17. biometricSupport
Indicates whether biometric processing is supported.

18. securePinEntrySupport
Indicates whether Secure PIN Entry (SPE) is supported.

19. reserved
Reserved Space.


typedef struct {
    BS2_DEVICE_ID    deviceID;
    BS2_OSDP_RESULT  result;
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult;

1. deviceID
Device Identifier.

2. result
Gets OSDP device command result value.

Value Description
0 Fail
1 Success


typedef struct {
    uint8_t    key[BS2_OSDP_STANDARD_KEY_SIZE];
    uint8_t    reserved[32];
} BS2OsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey;

1. key
16-byte security key used in OSDP device.

2. reserved
Reserved Space.