Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all Table of Contents How to configure an Anti-Passback (APB) Zone? Configuring a Local Anti-Passback Zone Configuring the Anti-Passback Zone Video Demo Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! System Configuration, BioStar 2, APB, Anti-passback, Zone How to configure an Anti-Passback (APB) Zone? Configuring a Local Anti-Passback Zone For local anti-passback, you do not need the AC license. Follow the steps below to configure a local apb. 1. Add a master device to BioStar 2 in the DEVICE menu. 2. Add a slave device to the master device in the DEVICE menu with a RS485 connection. Refer to How to add devices to learn how to add master and slave devices. 3. Click on the DOOR menu. 4. Click ADD DOOR. 5. Select your Entry Device. 6. Select your Exit Device. Anti-Passback tab will appear when you add the exit device. 7. Configure the Door Relay, Exit Button, Door Sensor as necessary. 8. On the Anti PassBack tab, select type to Hard. Soft Anti-Passback records logs but allows user entry on anti-passback violation. Hard Anti-Passback records logs and does not allow user entry on anti-passback violation. 9. On Reset Time set the time when the anti-passback violation will be reset (after # of minutes). 10. Click Apply to apply the settings. Configuring the Anti-Passback Zone Before you start, check the license activation status. If the standard edition is activated, the 'Zone' tap can be seen from the left menu buttons as below. 1. Click ADD ZONE and select Anti-passback and click Apply. 2. Enter the name of the APB zone, and make configuration as desired. If you want to block users who violate the APB rule, set the type to Hard APB and check Reset Time not to be shorter than the expected duration of the block time. And set Entry Devices and Exit Devices. For a ethernet based zone, select Global for the Mode. The server will be the master device making anti-passback decisions. When choosing the Global mode you have the option to select a network failure action. If the device cannot communicate with the server, it will operate based on your configured action. Refer to the administrator's manual (help menu) for details. 3. Set an action if needed to make an alarm sound using the device relay. 4. Set the APB Bypass group who will enter the doors in the APB zone regardless of the APB rule. It's recommended to be used for the admin users for the convenient fix and revision at the site. 5. After finishing the setting, test the APB and check alert and the zone status from monitoring. Video Demo apb.mp4