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How to configure Secure Communication between Device and Server (TLS/SSL)

A transport layer security (TLS/SSL) feature for the communication between the server and device has been implemented in BioStar 2.4.
This feature would stop malicious users from connecting to the device by pretending to be the server with the same server IP.


This security is achieved by storing a digital certificate in the device.
When the device connects to the server, it will exchange an encryption key (session key) using the digital certificate to provide server identity verification.

Access to the devices can be limited while this feature is turned on.
It will take several minutes for the devices to reconnect to the server.
Supported Devices / Firmware versions
- BioEntry W2 FW 1.1.0 or later
- BioStation L2 FW 1.2.0 or later
- BioStation A2 FW 1.3.0 or later
- BioStation 2 FW 1.4.0 or later

Follow the steps below to configure the secure communication. It is not turned on by default.
1. Log in to BioStar 2.
2. Click Setting.
3. Click Server.
4. On the Secure Communication with Device tab, set Secure communication with device as Use

If you want to use a external certificate from a CA (certificate authority) such as VeriSign, Comodo, GoDaddy and etc, check Use external certificates and Upload the file.

Do not turn off the secure communication option if the device is physically disconnected from the network while using the secure communication feature.
If the feature is turned off, the certificate of BioStar 2 will be deleted and the device will not be able to the server connect again.
To connect the device to the server again, the certificate saved in the device must be deleted or the device must be reset to factory default.
For more details regarding factory default, refer to the manual of the device.
icon designed by Madebyoliver from Flaticon