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How To Use Third party QR

Affect Products & Versions
Device X-Station 2 v1.0.1_20210329 or above
BioStar 2 BioStar v2.8.11 or above

X-Station 2 QR device can store the data in third-party QR as a user credential if the third-party QR data is based on printable ASCII characters. Maximum up to 32 Characters can be used as the QR/Barcode data in BioStar 2 User.
In the case of that, the system administrator of BioStar 2 needs to manually add the data of QR/Barcode.
In addition, importing the CSV file is available to enroll the user QR/Barcode data at once.

1) Manual update

Check if your existing QR system generates QR code as printable ASCII. Add a new User>Credential>Select [QR/Barcode] in the QR/Barcode Type list. Click [Apply].

2) User CSV Import

CSV Import in User menu is available to use for updating the existing QR/Barcode data.