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Face API > BS2_ScanFaceEx

[+ 2.7.1] FaceStation F2 BioStation 3 Scans the face from a device and extracts template and image data.


#include "BS_API.h"
int BS2_ScanFaceEx(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, BS2FaceEx* faceEx, uint8_t enrollmentThreshold, OnReadyToScan ptrReadyToScan);


  • [In] context : Context
  • [In] deviceId : Device ID
  • [Out] faceEx : Face data settings pointer
  • [In] enrollmentThreshold : Threshold required for face enrollment

Refer to BS2FaceConfig::enrollThreshold

  • [Out] ptrReadyToScan : Callback function called when face scanning is ready

Return Value

If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS will be returned.
If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.