Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Table of Contents Door Control API Structure BS2DoorRelay BS2DoorSensor BS2ExitButton BS2DoorStatus BS2Door Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! Door Control API API that configures whether the device is set as entrance/exit of the door, how the device will control the door, and the APB settings. BS2_GetDoor: Retrieves selected doors. BS2_GetAllDoor: Retrieves all doors. BS2_GetDoorStatus: Retrieves the status of selected doors. BS2_GetAllDoorStatus: Retrieves the status of all doors. BS2_SetDoor: Configures a door. BS2_SetDoorAlarm: Configures the alarm status of the door. BS2_RemoveDoor: Removes selected doors. BS2_RemoveAllDoor: Removes all doors. BS2_ReleaseDoor: Releases the lock/unlock flag of the door status. This initializes the priorities set to the door. BS2_LockDoor: Configures the priority of when the door gets locked. The lock priority must be higher than the unlock to lock the door. BS2_UnlockDoor: Configures the priority of when the door gets unlocked. The unlock priority must be higher than the lock to unlock the door. Structure BS2DoorRelay typedef struct { uint32_t deviceID; uint8_t port; uint8_t reserved[3]; } BS2DoorRelay; 1. deviceID Device ID. 2. port Relay port number. 3. reserved Reserved space. BS2DoorSensor typedef struct { uint32_t deviceID; uint8_t port; uint8_t switchType; uint8_t apbUseDoorSensor; uint8_t reserved[1]; } BS2DoorSensor ; 1. deviceID Device ID. 2. port Input port number. 3. switchType Type of the switch. Value Description 0 Normally open 1 Normally closed 4. apbUseDoorSensor Decides whether to use a door sensor when using Global APB. Should be used with useGlobalAPB in BS2AuthConfig 5. reserved Reserved space. BS2ExitButton typedef struct { uint32_t deviceID; uint8_t port; uint8_t switchType; uint8_t reserved[2]; } BS2ExitButton ; 1. deviceID Device ID. 2. port Input port number. 3. switchType Type of the switch. Value Description 0 Normally open 1 Normally closed 4. reserved Reserved space. BS2DoorStatus typedef struct { uint32_t id; uint8_t opened; uint8_t unlocked; uint8_t heldOpened; uint8_t unlockFlags; uint8_t lockFlags; uint8_t alarmFlags; uint8_t reserved[2]; uint32_t lastOpenTime; } BS2DoorStatus; 1. id Door ID. 2. opened Determines whether the door is opened. 3. unlocked Determines whether the door is unlocked. 4. heldOpened Determines whether the door's status is held open. 5. unlockFlags The priority of when the door gets unlocked, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the lock's priority. For example, if the door is locked with the operator priority, all users entry will not be allowed. The unlockFlags and lockFlags cannot have the same priority besides the default priority NONE. Value Description Priority 0 None Normal 1 Scheduled High 4 Operator Very high 2 Emergency Highest 6. lockFlags The priority of when the door gets locked, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the unlock's priority. Value Description Priority 0 None Normal 1 Scheduled High 4 Operator Very high 2 Emergency Highest 7. alarmFlags Status of the door alarm. Value Description 0 No alarm 1 Forced open 4 Held open 2 APB violation 8. reserved Reserved space. 9. lastOpenTime The last time of when the door was open. BS2Door typedef struct { uint32_t doorID; char name[BS2_MAX_DOOR_NAME_LEN]; uint32_t entryDeviceID; uint32_t exitDeviceID; BS2DoorRelay relay; BS2DoorSensor sensor; BS2ExitButton button; uint32_t autoLockTimeout; uint32_t heldOpenTimeout; uint8_t instantLock; uint8_t unlockFlags; uint8_t lockFlags; uint8_t unconditionalLock; BS2Action forcedOpenAlarm[BS2_MAX_FORCED_OPEN_ALARM_ACTION]; BS2Action heldOpenAlarm[BS2_MAX_HELD_OPEN_ALARM_ACTION]; uint32_t dualAuthScheduleID; uint8_t dualAuthDevice; uint8_t dualAuthApprovalType; uint32_t dualAuthTimeout; uint8_t numDualAuthApprovalGroups; uint8_t reserved2[1]; uint32_t dualAuthApprovalGroupID[BS2_MAX_DUAL_AUTH_APPROVAL_GROUP]; BS2AntiPassbackZone apbZone; } BS2Door; 1. doorID Door ID. For V1 devices, ID should be defined less than 65535. 2. name Name of the door that will be displayed on the BioStar application. For V1 devices, name can't be defined. 3. entryDeviceID Entry device ID. 4. exitDeviceID Exit device ID. 5. relay Door relay. 6. sensor Sensor that detects the open/closed status of the door. 7. button Exit button. 8. autoLockTimeout Time for the door to lock after it has been opened. The unit is seconds. 9. heldOpenTimeout Time for the door to be determined as held open. The unit is seconds. 10. instantLock Decides whether to immediately lock the door when the sensor detects the door as closed. 11. unlockFlags The priority of when the door gets unlocked, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the lock's priority. For example, if the door is locked with the operator priority, all users entry will not be allowed. The unlockFlags and lockFlags cannot have the same priority besides the default priority NONE. Value Description Priority 0 None Normal 1 Scheduled High 4 Operator Very high 2 Emergency Highest 12. lockFlags The priority of when the door gets locked, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the unlock's priority. Value Description Priority 0 None Normal 1 Scheduled High 4 Operator Very high 2 Emergency Highest 13. unconditionalLock Flag that decides whether to lock the door after autoLock timeout. Value Description 0 Locks the door only when the door is closed after the autoLockTimeout. 1 Locks the door regardless if the door is opened or closed. 14. forcedOpenAlarm Alarm that gets triggered when the door is forced open, which can be configured up to 5 alarms. 15. heldOpenAlarm Alarm that gets triggered when the door is held open, which can be configured up to 5 alarms. 16. dualAuthScheduleID Schedule for the dual authentication. Set the value as 0 for disable, 1 for enable, or set a schedule ID. 17. dualAuthDevice Decides which device should perform a dual authentication. Value Description 0 None 1 Only on entry device 2 Only on exit device 3 Both 18. dualAuthApprovalType Decides whether to distinguish if the user belongs to an access group having authority when accessing the door . Value Description 0 None 1 Check the last user's authority 19. dualAuthTimeout Interval between the first user's authentication and the second user's authentication. The unit is seconds. 20. numDualAuthApprovalGroups Number of access groups having authority of dual authentication. 21. reserved2 Reserved space. 22. dualAuthApprovalGroupID List of access groups having dual authentication authority, which can be configured up to 16 access groups. 23. apbZone Configures Anti Passback on the door. The Anti Passback zone ID and door ID is equivalent. Refer Zone Control APIfor further information.