- EER (Equal Error Rate): As an indicator of Biometric Performance, an ERR(Equal Error Rate) is a point where FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate) intersects. A device with lower EER is regarded to be more accurate.
- Encryption: The act of transforming information so that it is impossible to recognize its original meaning. Storing or transferring information in encrypted form is a way of protecting the information.
- Encryption Key: A certain bit string generated for encryption. Encryption keys are designed using algorithms that prevent guessing. Generally, longer encryption keys make decryption more difficult.
- Enrollment: A series of steps used to record the biometric information of users in a biometrics system. It involves sampling, template creation, storing, etc.
- Entrance Limit Zone: A zone that restricts access at specific times. This zone can be configured in such a way as to restrict the authentication or the authentication count.
- Epoxy potted: A material that protects the circuitry by preventing rainwater from entering the device if the device is installed outdoors.
- Event: An interaction between a user, the device, and the door. Events are recorded in a log on the BioStar server. They include authentication successes and failures and changes to the status of the door, alarms, etc.
- Exit button: A button used to open the door. Pressing this button opens the door. The button can be used for doors and zones that do not require separate authentication.
- Export: An operation performed by a program that uses a particular data format. It is the act of storing data in a format that is compatible with other programs.