This is an old revision of the document!
Version 2.6.0
After V2.5.0, it was reflected in V2.6.0 through bug fixes and additional supplements, but missing contents were added to the manual.
New Features
- Support reading USB memory (BioStation A2, FaceStation 2)
- Supports Debugging API
- Supports server port change
- Supports Global APB zone feature
- Supports device connection status check feature
- Supports automatic connection check and change feature
1. Added USB memory read feature.
- Add API BS2_AllocateUsbContext
- Add API BS2_ReleaseUsbContext
- Add API BS2_GetUserDatabaseInfoFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetUserListFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetUserInfosFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetUserDatasFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetUserInfosExFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetUserDatasExFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetLogFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetLogBlobFromDir
- Add API BS2_GetFilteredLogFromDir
2. Added to refer to debug information that occurs in the SDK.
- Add API BS2_SetDebugExCallback
3. Added server port designation feature.
- Add API BS2_SetServerPort
- Add API BS2_SetSSLServerPort
4. Added Global APB zone feature.
- Add API BS2_CheckGlobalAPBViolation
5. Added device connection status check feature.
- Add API BS2_IsConnected
6. Added to automatic connection check and change feature.
- Add API BS2_IsAutoConnection
- Add API BS2_SetAutoConnection
Modified Features
1. In some functions, the event mask judgment condition set when acquiring logs has been modified.
(Logs that satisfy all set masks → Logs that satisfy even one)
- Refer to API BS2_GetLogBlob
- Refer to API BS2_GetLogBlobFromDir
2. Fixed an Invalid Parameter error that occurs when the set userMask is greater than 0x3FF when obtaining user information in some functions.
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatas
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatasEx
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatasFromDir
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatasExFromDir
3. Fixed a problem where a crash could occur in the context release phase when using Multi context.
In addition, fixed a problem that could cause an access violation intermittently.
- Refer to API BS2_AllocateContext
- Refer to API BS2_ReleaseContext
4. Fixed a problem where a crash could occur due to a buffer overflow while receiving a packet from the SDK.
5. Fixed a problem that caused a timeout occurs when deleting all users from an Entry family device.
- Refer to API BS2_RemoveAllUser
6. Fixed a problem where a Not Supported error occurs when userMask is BS2_USER_MASK_ALL when obtaining user information.
- Refer to API BS2_GetSupportedConfigMask
- Refer to API BS2_GetSupportedUserMask
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatas
- Refer to API BS2_GetUserDatasEx
7. Fixed a problem where a crash could occur when there is no data when obtaining logs.
- Refer to API BS2_GetLog
- Refer to API BS2_GetFilteredLog
- Refer to API BS2_GetLogFromDir
8. Fixed a problem where packet for multi packet could be discarded during RS485 communications.
9. Fixed a problem where the timer may not work on Linux SDK. (Change from signal method to thread method)
10. Fixed a problem that dead-lock could occur due to memory allocation in signal handle in Linux SDK.
11. Added socket close option SOCK_CLOEXEC when using socket on Linux.
12. Fixed a problem with lock/unlock incorrect sync objects internally when using the Server matching function.
13. Keep alive code has been improved to detect the disconnected status among the device status.
14. Fixed a problem where Intrusion Alarm Zone information was not set.
In addition, incorrect error judgment conditions during validation have been corrected.
Before: (0 < door) AND (if there no card data), (0 < card) AND (if there no door ID)
After: (0 < door) AND (if there no door ID), (0 < card) AND (if there no card data)
- Refer to API BS2_SetIntrusionAlarmZone
15. Fixed blocking until the timeout occurs when loading an image log that does not actually exist.
- Refer to API BS2_GetImageLog
- Refer to API BS2_GetLogBlobFromDir
16. Fixed a problem so that allocation memory errors do not occur when there is no data in the Intrusion Alarm Zone.
In addition, it has been modified to return only the count when zoneBlob is NULL.
- Refer to API BS2_GetIntrusionAlarmZone
17. Fixed a problem where TCP connection was no longer possible when Socket-related internal resources were exhausted.
18. It has been modified so that it is returned as an Invalid Parameter when door ID exceeds 65535 when setting the door from an Entry family device.
- Refer to API BS2_SetDoor
19. Added cryptographic activation code to handshake phase on TCP connection.
20. Fixed a problem where fingerprint information was not stored on FaceStation 2.
21. Fixed a problem where a crash occurs when using the BS2_SearchDevicesCoreStation function.
22. Fixed to validate a template and image size of the face when using the BS2_EnrolUser function.
23. Fixed a problem of returning Not supported when using the below function.
- Refer to API BS2_GetCardConfigEx
- Refer to API BS2_GetRS485ConfigEx
Up to version 2.5.0, Device SDK statically included OpenSSL library,
but starting with 2.6.0, it has been changed to link in shared library form.
Therefore, you need to run the appropriate OpenSSL library after installation.
The 2.6.0 library has been tested based on the OpenSSL 1.0.2n library.
The sample files contain the OpenSSL 1.0.2n Windows library file.
New Features
- Supports for new device connections (BioLite N2, Xpass D2)
- Supports Daylight saving time (DST)
- Supports Interlock zone
- Supports data encryption key setting of device
- Factory default without network setting
1.New devices BioLite N2, Xpass D2 are supported. Xpass D2 is a slave exclusive card device.
2.Daylight Saving Time can be set up to 2 devices. In addition, relevant information has been added to the log to let you know when daylight saving time is in effect.
- Add API BS2_GetDstConfig
- Add API BS2_SetDstConfig
- Add structure BS2DstConfig
- Modify structure BS2Event
3. Interlock zone setting is supported. It is used when one door and the other door need to be exclusively locked to each other. Currently only CoreStation is available.
- Add API BS2_GetInterlockZone
- Add API BS2_GetInterlockZoneStatus
- Add API BS2_GetAllInterlockZoneStatus
- Add API BS2_SetInterlockZone
- Add API BS2_SetInterlockZoneAlarm
- Add API BS2_RemoveInterlockZone
- Add API BS2_RemoveAllInterlockZone
- Add structure BS2InterlockZoneBlob
4.Data Encryption key of the device can be changed and verified.
- Add API BS2_GetDataEncryptKey
- Add API BS2_SetDataEncryptKey
- Add API BS2_RemoveDataEncryptKey
5.Supports new device initialization API BS2_ResetConfigExceptNetInfo. This API can factory default without network information unlike BS2_ResetConfig.
- Add API BS2_ResetConfigExceptNetInfo
6.Supports feature feasibility check API BS2_GetDeviceInfoEx. This API BS2_GetDeviceInfo uses structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx which has recent fields moved from the BS2SimpleDeviceInfo.
- Add API BS2_GetDeviceInfoEx
- Add structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx
Modified features
1. Simultaneous use of Wiegand In / Out is supported.
This function can be used by setting the mode value to 2 when Wiegand is set.
- Refer to structure BS2WiegandConfig
2. Device security tamper setting is supported.
The secureTamper of BS2SystemConfig can check and set whether the current security tamper is set.
This structure must be configured after reading through BS2_GetSystemConfig, and then only necessary information should be modified through BS2_SetSystemConfig.
- Refer to structure BS2SystemConfig
3. Fingerprinter is supported on FaceStation 2 or FaceLite
Both FaceStation 2 and FaceLite do not have a fingerprint sensor and therefore do not support fingerprint authentication directly from those devices.
However, fingerprint devices can be connected to as a slave device to either device, then it means fingerprint matching is supported.
Thus, BS2SimpleDeviceInfo.fingersupported changed from 0 to 1.
Whether or not the device currently supports fingerprint matching can be checked via fingerSupported in BS2SimpleDeviceInfo.
- Refer to structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfo