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This is an old revision of the document!
Version 2.9.1 (V2.9.1.0)
New Features
- Supports activating licenses for use of specific features on devices.
- QR code recognition and authentication support using the camera.
- Support setting the number of retries in case of socket read/write failure.
- Supports 3rd party OSDP reader connection.
1. Added device license activation feature.
- Refer to structure BS2License
- Refer to structure BS2LicenseConfig
- Refer to structure BS2LicenseBlob
- Refer to structure BS2LicenseResult
- API BS2_GetLicenseConfig has been added
- API BS2_EnableDeviceLicense has been added
- API BS2_DisableDeviceLicense has been added
- API BS2_QueryDeviceLicense has been added
2. Added features for QR code authentication by using the camera.
- Refer to API BS2BarcodeConfig
3. Added retry count for communication used when an error occurs while reading or writing packets from the socket during communication.
Increasing the number of retries is a way to resolve temporary errors, but care must be taken as direct causes such as network disconnection occurs, can lead to wasted resources by meaningless read/write retries when reconnection is required.
Increasing the number of retries is a way to resolve temporary errors, but care must be taken as direct causes such as network disconnection occurs, can lead to wasted resources by meaningless read/write retries when reconnection is required.
- API BS2_GetSocketRetryCount has been added
- API BS2_SetSocketRetryCount has been added
- API BS2_GetSocketSSLRetryCount has been added
- API BS2_SetSocketSSLRetryCount has been added
4. Added feature to connect and manage 3rd party OSDP.
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDevice
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAvailable
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardNotify
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardConfig
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardActionConfig
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAdd
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapability
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult
- Refer to structure BS2OsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey
- API BS2_GetOsdpStandardConfig has been added
- API BS2_GetOsdpStandardActionConfig has been added
- API BS2_SetOsdpStandardActionConfig has been added
- API BS2_AddOsdpStandardDevice has been added
- API BS2_GetOsdpStandardDevice has been added
- API BS2_GetAvailableOsdpStandardDevice has been added
- API BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice has been added
- API BS2_RemoveOsdpStandardDevice has been added
- API BS2_GetOsdpStandardDeviceCapability has been added
- API BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey has been added
- API BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceStatusListener has been added
- Add callback function OnOsdpStandardDeviceStatusChanged
Modification function
1. Fixed memory leak caused by network switches keepalive check being misunderstood by the SDK.
2. This is a problem that occurs only in version
, and a problem that can lead to abnormal termination during user registration while taking a log dump inside the SDK has been fixed.
3. Fixes were made to stabilize the code internally in the SDK.