Slave Control API > BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice

[+ 2.9.1] CoreStation40 Renew OSDP device information in batches by specifying OSDP device information and number.
Device-specific update results are returned via outResultObj and outNumOfResult.


#include "BS_API.h"
int BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, const BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate* osdpDevices, uint32_t numOfDevice, BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult** outResultObj, uint32_t* outNumOfResult);


  • [In] context : Context
  • [In] deviceId : Master device identifier
  • [In] osdpDevices : OSDP device information array pointer to update
  • [In] numOfDevice : Number of devices in osdpDevices
  • [Out] outResultObj : Structure array pointer to receive results
  • [Out] outNumOfResult : Number of result structures

The outResultObj parameter must be used and then returned memory to the system via the BS2_ReleaseObject function.

Return Value

If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS will be returned. If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.

See Also

Sample Code(C++)

BS2OsdpStandardConfig config = { 0, };
vector<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate> updateData;
BS2_DEVICE_ID id = Utility::selectDeviceID(deviceList, false, false);
int sdkResult = cc.getOsdpStandardConfig(id, config);
if (BS_SDK_SUCCESS != sdkResult)
	return sdkResult;
uint32_t numOfActivated = cc.printOSDPDeviceID(config);
uint32_t numOfDevice = Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("How many devices do you want to update? (0~%u)", numOfActivated);
if (0 < numOfDevice)
	for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < numOfDevice; idx++)
		BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate item = { 0, };
		item.deviceID = (BS2_DEVICE_ID)Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("[%u] Please enter the slave ID to be updated.", idx + 1);
		if (!ConfigControl::getOsdpID(config, item.deviceID, item.osdpID))
			cout << "The OSDP ID could not be found." << endl;
		if (Utility::isYes("Do you want to change the OSDP ID? (CurrentID: %u)", item.osdpID))
			item.osdpID = (uint8_t)Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("Please enter the OSDP ID. [0 ~ 126]");
		item.activate = Utility::isYes("Do you like to enable the OSDP device?");
		item.useSecureSession = Utility::isYes("Does the OSDP device use secure communication?");
		item.deviceType = BS2_DEVICE_TYPE_3RD_OSDP_DEVICE;
	vector<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult> listResult;
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult* outResultObj = NULL;
	uint32_t outNumOfResult(0);
	int sdkResult = BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice(context_, id, const_cast<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate*>(, updateData.size(), &outResultObj, &outNumOfResult);
	if (BS_SDK_SUCCESS != sdkResult)
		printf("BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice call failed: %d", sdkResult);
	if (outResultObj)
		for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < outNumOfResult; idx++)
return sdkResult;

Sample Code (C#)

BS2OsdpStandardConfig config;
if (!CommonControl.getOsdpStandardConfig(sdkContext, deviceID, out config))
UInt32 numOfActivated = 0;
printOSDPDeviceID(ref config, ref numOfActivated);
string tempStr = String.Format("How many devices do you want to update? (0~{0})", numOfActivated);
Util.HighlightLineMulti(tempStr, "How many", "update");
Console.Write(">>>> ");
int numOfDevice = Util.GetInput(1);
if (0 < numOfDevice)
	BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate[] updateData = Util.AllocateStructureArray<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate>(numOfDevice);
	for (int idx = 0; idx < numOfDevice; idx++)
		tempStr = String.Format(">>>> [{0}] Please enter the slave ID to be updated.", idx + 1);
		Util.HighlightLine(tempStr, "device ID to be updated");
		Console.Write(">>>> ");
		updateData[idx].deviceID = Util.GetInput((UInt32)0);
		if (!getOsdpID(ref config, updateData[idx].deviceID, ref updateData[idx].osdpID))
			Console.WriteLine("The OSDP ID could not be found.");
		Console.WriteLine("Do you want to change the OSDP ID? (CurrentID: {0}) [Y/n]", updateData[idx].osdpID);
		Console.Write(">>>> ");
		if (Util.IsYes())
			Util.HighlightLine(">>>> Please enter the OSDP ID. [0 ~ 126]", "OSDP ID");
			Console.Write(">>>> ");
			updateData[idx].osdpID = Util.GetInput((byte)0);
		Util.HighlightLine(">>>> Do you like to enable the OSDP device? [Y/n]", "enable");
		Console.Write(">>>> ");
		updateData[idx].activate = Convert.ToByte(Util.IsYes());
		Util.HighlightLine(">>>> Does the OSDP device use secure communication? [Y/n]", "use secure communication");
		Console.Write(">>>> ");
		updateData[idx].useSecureSession = Convert.ToByte(Util.IsYes());
		updateData[idx].deviceType = Convert.ToByte(BS2DeviceTypeEnum.THIRD_OSDP_DEVICE);
	List<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult> listResult = new List<BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult>();
	int structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate));
	IntPtr ptrArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(structSize * updateData.Length);
	long ptrCurrent = ptrArray.ToInt64();
	BS2ErrorCode result = BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS;
		for (int idx = 0; idx < updateData.Length; idx++)
			IntPtr ptrTemp = new IntPtr(ptrCurrent);
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(updateData[idx], ptrTemp, false);
			ptrCurrent += structSize;
		IntPtr outResultObj = IntPtr.Zero;
		UInt32 numOfResult = 0;
		result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice(sdkContext, deviceID, ptrArray, (UInt32)updateData.Length, out outResultObj, out numOfResult);
		if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS)
			Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result);
			IntPtr curResult = outResultObj;
			int resultSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult));
			for (UInt32 resultIdx = 0; resultIdx < numOfResult; resultIdx++)
				BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult item = (BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult)Marshal.PtrToStructure(curResult, typeof(BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult));
				//print(ref item, resultIdx);
				curResult += resultSize;
			Console.WriteLine("Call success.");
return result;