Table of Contents

Zone Control API

API that configures the zone, which can control the entry device and door's operations. This feature will allow to divide one managing area into several zones for access control

Anti Passback Zone

To prevent the situation where a user lends it's card to someone else or to use it's fingerprint to enter someone else, an Anti Passback zone can be used. This zone has two options(soft, hard). When selecting soft, it will allow a user to enter even though the Anti Passback rule has been violated, but will leave a log of violation. When selecting hard, it does not allow any kind of Anti Passback violation and will leave a log of violation.

Timed Anti Passback Zone

To prevent a user from re-entering in a certain time, a Timed Anti Passback zone can be used. This zone offers two options(soft, hard) as same as the Anti Passback zone.

Fire Alarm Zone

To detect fire and contorl the alarm for the access control area, a Fire alarm zone can be used. When an output signal gets sent to the BioStar system, the BioStar will automatically unlock all doors and activates the predefined alarms.

Scheduled Lock/Unlock Zone

To lock or unlock an area based on time, a Scheduled Lock/Unlock zone can be used. This zone will operate exclusively as a status of unlocking every doors in the area at a certain time, or locking every doors in the area at a certain time.

Intrusion Alarm Zone

It can be used to deal with crisis as receiving signal when intrusion is detected in intrusion zone. BioStar automatically raise pre-defined alarms when output signal is transmitted to BioStar system.

Interlock Zone

[CoreStation] In case of dual door configuration, it is used when the opposite side must be closed before passing through the other door.
Currently this feature is only supported in CoreStation.

Ethernet Zone

Not BioStar V2.x server, but specific device acts as Zone Master. Ethernet zone uses Ethernet TCP protocol between devices(Master ↔ Members).

Currently, it only supports corresponding features to existing 1.x Entrance Limit, Fire Alarm Zone. It is supported on A2(FW 1.4.0 or higher), BS2(FW 1.5.0 or higher), FS2(FW 1.1.0 or higher), FL(FW 1.0.0 or higher) and P2(FW 1.0.0 or higher).

Lift Lock/Unlock Zone

[+ 2.7.0] To control the elevator floor regardless of access groups but only based on schedules, Lift lock/unlock zone can be used.

Callback Function


Callback function for global determination when an APB violation alarm occurs.

typedef void (*OnCheckGlobalAPBViolation)(uint32_t deviceId, uint16_t seq, const char* userID_1, const char* userID_2, bool isDualAuth);

1. deviceId
Device ID

2. seq
Packet sequence number

3. userID_1
User ID 1

4. userID_2
User ID 2

5. isDualAuth
Indicates whether to Dual authentication.


1st Callback function for requesting global determination based on authentication information when an APB violation by door alarm occurs.

typedef void (*OnCheckGlobalAPBViolationByDoorOpen)(uint32_t deviceId, uint16_t seq, const char* userID_1, const char* userID_2, bool isDualAuth);

1. deviceId
Device ID

2. seq
Packet sequence number

3. userID_1
User ID 1

4. userID_2
User ID 2

5. isDualAuth
Indicates whether to Dual authentication.


2nd Callback function for requesting the update of the final user access status when an APB violation by door alarm occurs.

typedef void (*OnUpdateGlobalAPBViolationByDoorOpen)(uint32_t deviceId, uint16_t seq, const char* userID_1, const char* userID_2, bool isDualAuth);

1. deviceId
Device ID

2. seq
Packet sequence number

3. userID_1
User ID 1

4. userID_2
User ID 2

5. isDualAuth
Indicates whether to Dual authentication.



typedef struct {
    uint32_t id;
    uint8_t status;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t reserved[6];
} BS2ZoneStatus;

1. id
Zone ID.

2. status
The value of the zone's status, which can be combined with several statuses.

Value Description
0 Normal, Disarm
1 Alarm triggered
2 Scheduled locked, Lift locked
4 Scheduled unlocked, Lift unlocked
8 Arm

3. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

4. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint8_t type;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
} BS2ApbMember;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. type
Type of APB device.

Value Description
-1 Undefined
0 Entry device
1 Exit device

3. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint8_t reserved[4];
} BS2TimedApbMember;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint8_t port;
    uint8_t switchType;
    uint8_t duration;
} BS2FireSensor ;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. port
Device's input port.

3. switchType
Type of the switch.

Value Description
0 Normally open
1 Normally closed

4. duration
The duration time of the signal that will be determined as a fire alarm status. The unit of time is milliseconds.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t type;
    uint8_t numReaders;
    uint8_t numBypassGroups;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t alarmed;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    uint32_t resetDuration;
    BS2Action alarm[BS2_MAX_APB_ALARM_ACTION];
    BS2ApbMember readers[BS2_MAX_READERS_PER_APB_ZONE];
    uint8_t reserved2[512];
    uint32_t bypassGroupIDs[BS2_MAX_BYPASS_GROUPS_PER_APB_ZONE];
} BS2AntiPassbackZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

When the Anti Passback zone ID and door ID is equivalent, this is considered as a Anti Passback zone based on the door. Therefore, when the door gets removed, the zone information could get removed also.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. type
Type of Anti Passback zone.

Value Description
0 Hard APB(When violated, entrance not allowed and violation log will be recorded)
1 Soft APB(When violated, entrance is allowed but violation log will be recorded)

4. numReaders
Number of APB devices.

5. numBypassGroups
Number of bypass access group IDs that will not be affected by the APB rule.

6. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

7. alarmed
Zone's alarm status.

8. reserved
Reserved space.

9. resetDuration
It means the time until the APB violation status is initialized(released), unit is second. At this time, the initialization time is calculated based on the time when the last authentication succeeded. If this value is set to 0, it means not to initialize but can be initialized with BS2_ClearAntiPassbackZoneStatus.

10. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when a user violates the user APB rule, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

11. readers
List of devices belonging to the Anti Passback zone, which can be configured up to 64 devices.

12. reserved2
Reserved space.

13. bypassGroupIDs
The ID of the bypass access group that will not be affected by the APB rule, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t type;
    uint8_t numReaders;
    uint8_t numBypassGroups;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t alarmed;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    uint32_t resetDuration;
    BS2TimedApbMember readers[BS2_MAX_READERS_PER_TIMED_APB_ZONE];
    uint8_t reserved2[320];
    uint32_t bypassGroupIDs[BS2_MAX_BYPASS_GROUPS_PER_TIMED_APB_ZONE];
} BS2TimedAntiPassbackZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. type
Type of Anti Passback zone.

Value Description
0 Hard APB(When violated, entrance not allowed and violation log will be recorded)
1 Soft APB(When violated, entrance is allowed but violation log will be recorded)

4. numReaders
Number of timed Anti Passback devices.

5. numBypassGroups
Number of bypass access group IDs that will not be affected by the timed APB rule.

6. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

7. alarmed
Zone's alarm status.

8. reserved
Reserved space.

9. resetDuration
The time interval for initializing the users status when a user violates the APB rule. When the value is set to 0, this means that it will not initialize the status, and will be initialized only through the BioStar application.

10. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when a user violates the user APB rule, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

11. readers
List of devices belonging to the timed Anti Passback zone, which can be configured up to 64 devices.

12. reserved2
Reserved space.

13. bypassGroupIDs
The ID of the bypass access group that will not be affected by the timed APB rule, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t numSensors;
    uint8_t numDoors;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t alarmed;
    uint8_t reserved[8];
    BS2Action alarm[BS2_MAX_FIRE_ALARM_ACTION];
    uint8_t reserved2[32];
    uint32_t doorIDs[BS2_MAX_DOORS_PER_FIRE_ALARM_ZONE];
} BS2FireAlarmZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. numSensors
Number of fire alarm sensors.

4. numDoors
Number of doors belonging to the Fire Alarm zone.

5. alarmed
Zone's alarm status.

6. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

7. reserved
Reserved space.

8. sensor
List of fire sensors belonging to the Fire Alarm zone, which can be configured up to 8 sensors.

9. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when detecting a fire, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

10. reserved2
Reserved space.

11. doorIDs
List of doors to be unlocked when detecting a fire, which can be configured up to 32 doors.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint32_t lockScheduleID;
    uint32_t unlockScheduleID;    
    uint8_t numDoors;
    uint8_t numBypassGroups;
    uint8_t numUnlockGroups;
    uint8_t bidirectionalLock;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t alarmed;
    uint8_t reserved[6];
    uint8_t reserved2[32];
} BS2ScheduledLockUnlockZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. lockScheduleID
Schedule ID of the doors belonging to a zone, which needs to operate as scheduled lock.

4. unlockScheduleID
Schedule ID of the doors belonging to a zone, which needs to operate as scheduled unlock.

5. numDoors
Number of doors belonging to the zone.

6. numBypassGroups
Number of bypass access groups that will be allowed to enter while scheduled lock status.

7. numUnlockGroups
Number of access groups that will be able to open all doors even during the scheduled lock schedule.

8. bidirectionalLock
Decides whether to lock both entrance and exit of a door while under the scheduled lock status.

9. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

10. alarmed
Zone's alarm status.

11. reserved

12. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when a user violates zone rule, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

13. reserved2
Reserved space.

14. doorIDs
List of door IDs belonging to the zone, which can be configured up to 32 doors.

15. bypassGroupIDs
The ID of the bypass access group that will be able to enter under the scheduled lock status, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.

16. unlockGroupIDs
The ID of the access group that will be able to start the scheduled unlock, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t armDelay;
    uint8_t alarmDelay;
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t reserved[1];
    uint8_t numReaders;
    uint8_t numInputs;
    uint8_t numOutputs;
    uint8_t numCards;
    uint8_t numDoors;
    uint8_t numGroups;    
    uint8_t reserved2[10];    
} BS2IntrusionAlarmZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. armDelay
Intrusion alarm operation delay time.

4. alarmDelay
Release intrusion alarm operation delay time.

5. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

6. reserved[1]
Reserved space.

7. numReaders
Number of devices belonging to Intrusion alarm zone.

8. numInputs
Number of intrusion detecting sensor inputs belonging to Intrusion alarm zone.

9. numOutputs
Number of outputs belonging to intrusion alarm zone.

10. numCards
Number of cards belonging to intrusion alarm zone.

11. numDoors
Number of doors belonging to intrusion alarm zone.

12. numGroups
Number of access groups belonging to intrusion alarm zone.

13. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    BS2IntrusionAlarmZone IntrusionAlarmZone;    
    BS2AlarmZoneMember* memberObjs;
    BS2AlarmZoneInput* inputObjs;
    BS2AlarmZoneOutput* outputObjs;   
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;   
    BS2_DOOR_ID* doorIDs;
    BS2_ACCESS_GROUP_ID* groupIDs;     
} BS2IntrusionAlarmZoneBlob;

1. IntrusionAlarmZone
Structure that defines the basic Intrusion alarm zone information.

2. memberObjs
Device member list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numReaders.

3. inputObjs
Input list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numInputs.

4. outputObjs
Output list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numOutputs.

5. cardObjs
Card list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.

6. doorIDs
Door list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numDoors.

7. groupIDs
Access group list which belongs to Intrusion alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as IntrusionAlarmZone.numGroups.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t disabled;
    uint8_t numInputs;
    uint8_t numOutputs;
    uint8_t numDoors;
    uint8_t reserved[8];    
} BS2InterlockZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 1.

2. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application..

3. disabled
Decides whether the zone is disabled.

4. numInputs
Number of intrusion detecting sensor inputs belonging to Interlock alarm zone.

5. numOutputs
Number of outputs belonging to Interlock alarm zone.

6. numDoors
Number of doors belonging to Interlock alarm zone.

7. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    BS2InterlockZone InterlockZone;
    BS2InterlockZoneInput* inputObjs;
    BS2InterlockZoneOutput* outputObjs;
    BS2_DOOR_ID* doorIDs;
} BS2InterlockZoneBlob;

1. InterlockZone
Structure that defines the basic Interlock alarm zone information.

2. inputObjs
Input list which belongs to Interlock alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as InterlockAlarmZone.numInputs.

3. outputObjs
Output list which belongs to Interlock alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as InterlockAlarmZone.numOutputs.

4. doorIDs
Door list which belongs to Interlock alarm zone. It needs to exist as much as InterlockAlarmZone.numDoors.


typedef struct {
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];   
    uint8_t type;
    uint8_t reserved1[3];
    uint32_t entryLimitInterval_s;
    uint8_t numEntranceLimit;
    uint8_t numReaders;
    uint8_t numAlarm;
    uint8_t numBypassGroups;
    uint8_t maxEntry[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE];
    uint32_t periodStart_s[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE];
    uint32_t periodEnd_s[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE]; 
    BS2DeviceZoneEntranceLimitMemberInfo readers[BS2_MAX_READERS_PER_DEVICE_ZONE_ENTRANCE_LIMIT];
    uint8_t reserved3[8 * 4];    
} BS2DeviceZoneEntranceLimitMaster;

1. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

2. type
Type of Entrance limit zone.

Value Description
1 Soft EntranceLimit(When violated, entrance not allowed and violation log will be recorded)
2 Hard EntranceLimit(When violated, entrance is allowed but violation log will be recorded)

3. reserved1[3]
Reserved space.

4. entryLimitInterval_s
Interval between identified entry.

5. numEntranceLimit
Number of Entrance limit.

6. numReaders
Number of readers in Entrance limit zone.

7. numAlarm
Number of Entrance limit zone alarm.

8. numBypassGroups
Number of bypass access group IDs that will not be affected by Entrance limit rules.

9. maxEntry
Number of maximum entry.

10. periodStart_s
Start time that a user can enter. (Unit : Second)

11. periodEnd_s
End time that a user can enter. (Unit : Second)

12. readers
List of devices belonging to Entrance limit zone, which can be configured up to 64 devices.

13. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when a user violates the user Entrance limit rule, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

14. bypassGroupIDs
The ID of the bypass access group that will not be affected by Entrance limit rule, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.

15. reserved3
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    uint16_t masterPort;
    uint8_t reserved1[1];    
    BS2_IPV4_ADDR masterIP;
} BS2DeviceZoneEntranceLimitMember;

1. masterPort
master device port.

2. actionInDisconnect
Action when disconnected.

Value Description
1 Soft EntranceLimit Disconnected action(When violated, entrance not allowed and violation log will be recorded)
2 Hard EntranceLimit Disconnected action(When violated, entrance is allowed but violation log will be recorded)

3. reserved1[3]
Reserved space.

4. masterIP
master device IP.


typedef struct {
    char name[BS2_MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t numReaders; 
    uint8_t numAlarm;   
    uint8_t reserved1[2];    
    BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMemberInfo readers[BS2_MAX_READERS_PER_DEVICE_ZONE_FIRE_ALARM];
    uint8_t reserved2[8 * 40];
} BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMaster;

1. name
Name of the zone that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

2. numReaders
Number of devices belonging to the Fire alarm zone.

3. reserved1
Reserved space.

4. readers
Devices belonging to the Fire alarm zone.

5. alarm
An alarm that will be triggered when detecting a fire, which can be configured up to 5 alarms.

6. reserved2
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    BS2_PORT masterPort;	
    uint8_t reserved1[2]; 
    BS2_IPV4_ADDR masterIP;	   
    uint8_t numSensors;
    uint8_t numDoors; 
    uint8_t reserved2[2];      
    union {
} BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMember;

1. masterPort
master device port.

2. reserved1
Reserved space.

3. masterIP
master device IP.

4. numSensors
Number of fire alarm sensors.

5. numDoors
Number of doors belonging to the Fire Alarm zone.

6. reserved2
Reserved space.

7. sensor
List of fire sensors belonging to the Fire Alarm zone, which can be configured up to 8 sensors.

8. doorIDs
List of doors to be unlocked when detecting a fire, which can be configured up to 8 doors.

9. liftIDs
List of lifts to be unlocked when detecting a fire, which can be configured up to 8 doors.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t readerID;	    	       
} BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMemberInfo;

1. readerID
Devices belonging to the Fire alarm zone.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t deviceID;
    uint8_t port;
    uint8_t switchType;
    uint16_t duration;	    	       
} BS2DeviceZoneFireSensor;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. port
Device's input port.

3. switchType
Type of the switch.

Value Description
0 Normally open
1 Normally closed

4. duration
The duration time of the signal that will be determined as a fire alarm status. The unit of time is milliseconds.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;    
    uint8_t zoneType;
    uint8_t nodeType;
    uint8_t enable;
    uint8_t reserved[1];
    union {
		BS2DeviceZoneEntranceLimitMaster entranceLimitMaster;	
		BS2DeviceZoneEntranceLimitMember entranceLimitMember;   
		BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMaster fireAlarmMaster;		
		BS2DeviceZoneFireAlarmMember fireAlarmMember;   	
} BS2DeviceZone;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0.

2. zoneType
Intrusion on delay time.

3. nodeType
Intrusion off delay time.

4. enable
Decides whether the zone is abled.

5. reserved[1]
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t zoneID;    
    uint16_t numAGEntranceLimit;
    uint16_t reserved1;
    uint32_t periodStart_s[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE];
    uint32_t periodEnd_s[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE];
    uint16_t numEntry[BS2_MAX_ENTRANCE_LIMIT_PER_ZONE];	
} BS2DeviceZoneAGEntranceLimit;

1. zoneID
Zone ID which needs to have a value higher than 0

2. numAGEntranceLimit
Number of Access group entrance limit.

3. reserved1
Reserved space.

4. periodStart_s
Start time that a user can enter.

5. periodEnd_s
End time that a user can enter.

6. numEntry
Number of entries.

7. maxEntry
Max number of selected entries.

8. accessGroupID
Access group ID list which can be configured up to 16.


typedef struct 
    bool enable;
    uint8_t reserved1[1];
    uint16_t listenPort;
    uint8_t reserved[4];
} BS2DeviceZoneMasterConfig;

1. enable
Decides whether the zone master is abled.

2. reserved1
Reserved space.

3. listenPort
TCP/IP port information to be connected from slave devices.

4. reserved
Reserved space.